Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire
Gambling Related Harms

Gambling Related Harms

Are you an organisation or community group who would benefit from information sessions to increase awareness of gambling related harm?  Attendees will be informed of the support available to them to help overcome their gambling. If required, participants will be...
Smart meters! šŸ’”

Smart meters! šŸ’”

Our energy advisors are helping local people to save money on their energy bills throughout the year. A smart meter is a simple way to take control of your energy use as you can see what you’re spending on gas and electricity at a glance. Find out more info...
Are you worried about Energy Bills?

Are you worried about Energy Bills?

Are you concerned about Energy Bills? Our energy advisors are helping local people throughout the year. You can get in touch either by: Emailing us at our adviceline on 0808 278 7942Attending one of our Boston Drop In...
Reach Out Project

Reach Out Project

We are excited to be starting our ‘Reach Out Project’ which supports those struggling with mental health and aims to prevent suicide. A unique aspect of this project is that clients will be assisted by one advisor who will address all enquiry areas.The...
Point Forwards Project

Point Forwards Project

We are excited to be starting our ‘Point Forwards Project’ which supports those struggling with mental health and aims to prevent suicide. A unique aspect of this project is that clients will be assisted by one advisor who will address all enquiry...